Tag Archives: ApathyisBoring

Final Piece of Apathy Campaign

Here’s the last of it, a website with a changing pop-up banner, all copy written by me, the web design and logos are taken from their respective sites. The banners are also of my design.

apathy website1 copy





















apathy website2 copy





















It goes without saying that I appreciate all comments/opinions. Take a look through the whole Apathy is boring tag and see the whole campaign. Thanks for your time, and I promise to have a new campaign up later this week.

Second-to-last Apathy piece…

Expect the website component of the campaign up later today, then it’s off to new projects. Also, new Kops logos to come.


These would be letters sent to homes known to have youth that fit the demographic. They’d have government logos on the envelopes and look, for all intents and purposes, like a real letter from an MP (who doesn’t exist). Disclaimers to be added if necessary. Again, please let me know what you think.

Long Copy for the ApathyisBoring Spec Campaign

My first Long Copy Ad, think it’s good enough for Portfolio Night?


Apathyisboring campaign posters…

Here are pseudo-campaign posters for the apathyisboring viral-marketing campaign. The idea is two-fold:

1. The posters would be made of real places placed near, but not in, the ridings listed, or we would use fake-but-familiar riding names. People seeing them would assume they were from neighboring ridings, people in the know would probably report something wrong with these and go to the site…

2. The websites listed would take you to fake politicians’ websites where you can do various politically infuriating things (like submit a comment where the response is along the lines of ‘we don’t care’, soon a pop-up appears directing you to apathyisboring. The client would also be listed in the links of ‘people we hate’ on the site and constantly slammed by the politician for trying to be relevant, you’d almost get a sense s/he is afraid of you going.



An alternative tag here might be “A vote for noone is a vote for me!” or “When nobody votes, I can afford sh*t like this!”


Vote Sara-Lee Othelberger ...or not at all. (Either way I keep this job).

Vote Sara-Lee Othelberger ...or not at all. (Either way I keep this job).

website is SLOthelberger.ca

As always, thoughts are more than welcome.

ApathyIsBoring is… kinda boring.


Well not really, but with a name like that, these guys are kind of asking for it. Here’s how I’d get them some publicity with a bit of viral marketing…

I heard something really interesting during a youtube interview with Alex Bogusky of CP+B. Part of New Media/Social Marketing is about envisioning a world not too far from our own, this sort of thinking led to the idea of Coke suing CokeZero (in a world where litigiousness goes out of control).

Here, I was thinking about politicians who would take out ads to gloat outside . Since nobody votes anyway, and everybody’s apathetic, these guys and gals in power have decided not to bother persuading us of anything. The nugget of truth in this is that most of us are so cynical this is what we secretly believe they think anyway. The point here is that they don’t even think we’ll do anything about it.

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Gordon Reed


GR: You see, I’m basically the kind of politician everybody hates, because everybody is so cynical about politics. And you know what? They’re right! I love to get in on the freebies, hell I’ll even take the stuff that isn’t. The supply people wonder why the pens keep disappearing, where the paper-clips go, and why there’s never any paper, printing or toilet. People always ask me what the hell happened to the donuts and the coffee. The answer is, basically, me. Actually it’s my interns, I get them to swipe that stuff for me, and why not? It’s the taxpayers’ dime and its not like I’ve got anything else to do for them anyway. Actually >laughs< sometimes I get them to draft ‘policy papers’ for the environment, make ’em as long as possible, then I wave ’em around at the meetings, use them to justify my building this green thing or that, then I chuck ’em out, straight into the trash. It’s fun to be wasteful, like I give a damn.


Kickbacks. Now there’s where the real fun begins. Every once in a while the city gets to decide on a contract, maybe it’s to build a road, sometimes it’s to fix something you assholes broke. You know how this works right? We put out a call to get some offers on the table, then we go with the lowest bidder, some po-dunk company that’s headed by my pal Greg or Al or Bob, it doesn’t matter, as long as they pay me to vouch for them. Then construction starts, and the workers go on strike, and then we pay ’em some more, and then they pay me more. It’s glorious!


The only thing I don’t like about this job is you guys, citizens. You whine and you moan and you cry—wah wah wah—about all your little problems. Then you make me go to your dumb cultural events, have me speaking about crap nobody cares about. Why, if you guys weren’t such suckers, and if it weren’t so easy to fill my pockets here, I’d have gotten out of the politics business a long time ago. C’mon, admit it, you guys love me! >laugh< Actually, you just can’t be bothered to get rid of me, so I keep coming back. Because I may be the guy nobody wants to vote for, but I’m also the guy who gets the job because nobody wants to vote. >laugh<


VOICE: Ever wonder who you vote for by not voting? Www.g-reed.ca